Intermediate Obedience

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This intermediate level class is open to “First Paw Forward” or “Never Too Late” graduates.
It is designed to help you build on the basic level skills you learned in your introductory class and make these skills useful in your everyday life.

Has your sweet wiggling puppy:

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  • Started barking at strangers, children, the in-laws?
  • Been happily chasing joggers, blowing leaves, or bicycles?
  • Exhibited unexplained “sudden memory loss”?
  • Run rampant through the park oblivious to requests to “come”?


As your puppy grows and matures, and tests his or her limits, their increasing independence and erratic behaviour can be difficult to manage. Although your dog or puppy may be showing normal behaviour, it is very important to train them through this phase of their development to ensure they mature into well-adjusted adult dogs who are welcome in your house and community.

Teaching your dog to sit or lie down is only the first step in any obedience training program. Learning how to use these commands to show your dog how to greet guests or walk through the children’s playground is the next step.

This class will show you how to ensure your dog listens to you in many every day circumstances and will help you to show leadership to your dog through the use of simple commands. This course is designed to help keep your growing pup well socialized, improve obedience skills and maintain your sense of humour during the trials and tribulations of “doggie adolescence.” During this six-week graded program we gradually improve your dogs focus and reliability under increasingly difficult distractions.

We will improve the dog’s sit stays, down stays, heeling around other dogs, toys and food. Retrieving skills, tricks and training games will be introduced to help improve your training skills and keep things interactive and fun.

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